Extension Configuration

This documents the proposal for defining system configuration options for an extension.

In the old model, to provide a drop-down selection box with values for the merchant to select from, you had to write a PHP class source model to return the array. Now, you can define static option lists in system.xml directly.

Configurable Static Option Lists

Here are a couple of side-by-side comparisons of the old configuration model and the new. We’ll look at an example in which we get a customer to show up in a group, and set up whether the VAT number appears in the frontend.

<options> + <option> with string value

In the old old model, you configure the source model and the source_model class (in this example, Mage_Backend_Model_Config_Source_Yesno).

1.  In system.xml:

<field id="auto_group_assign" translate="label comment"
type="select" sortOrder="10" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1"
    <label>Enable Automatic Assignment to Customer Group</label>
    <comment>To show VAT number on frontend, set Show VAT Number on
            Frontend option to Yes.</comment>

2.  Create Yesno.php:

class Mage_Backend_Model_Config_Source_Yesno implements
	* Options getter
	* @return array
	public function toOptionArray()
		return array(
			array('value' => 1,

			array('value' => 0,
	* Get options in "key-value" format
	* @return array

	public function toArray()
		return array(
			0 =>
			1 =>

Using the new model, all you have to do is configure options in system.xml.

1.  In system.xml:

<field id="auto_group_assign" translate="label comment"
type="select" sortOrder="10" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1"
	<label>Enable Automatic Assignment to Customer Group</label>
	<comment>To show VAT number on frontend, set Show VAT Number on
		Frontend option to Yes.</comment>
		<option label="Yes">1</option>
		<option label="No">0</option>

<options> + <option> with constant value - class::constant

In this example, we’re setting up tax calculations based on customer location.

Using the old configuration model, it was necessary to configure the source model and the source_model class (in this example the class is called Mage_Customer_Model_Config_Source_Address_Type)

1.  In system.xml:

<field id="tax_calculation_address_type" translate="label"
type="select" sortOrder="10" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1"
	<label>Tax Calculation Based On</label>
		<field id="auto_group_assign">1</field>

2.  Type.php:

	class Mage_Customer_Model_Config_Source_Address_Type implements
		* Retrieve possible customer address types
		* @return array
		public function toOptionArray()
			return array(

				Mage_Customer_Model_Address_Abstract::TYPE_BILLING =>
            		Mage::helper('Mage_Customer_Helper_Data')->__('Billing Address'),

				Mage_Customer_Model_Address_Abstract::TYPE_SHIPPING =>
				Mage::helper('Mage_Customer_Helper_Data')->__('Shipping Address')

Using the new model, all that’s necessary is to configure options in system.xml.

1.  system.xml

<field id="tax_calculation_address_type" translate="label"
type="select" sortOrder="10" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1"
	<label>Tax Calculation Based On</label>
		<option label="Billing
        <option label="Shipping
		<field id="auto_group_assign">1</field>

Configurable Dynamic Option Lists

<options> with service-call attribute

Using the old model, you had to configure both the source_model and the source_model class (in this example, Mage_Customer_Model_Config_Source_Group)

1.  In system.xml:

<field id="default_group" translate="label" type="select"
sortOrder="20" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">
	<label>Default Group</label>

2.  Group.php:

class Mage_Customer_Model_Config_Source_Group implements
	protected $_options;
	public function toOptionArray()
		if (!$this->_options) {
			$this->_options =
			array_unshift($this->_options, array('value'=> '',
	            'label'=> Mage::helper('Mage_Customer_Helper_Data')->__('-- Please
	            Select --')));
		return $this->_options;

Using the new model, you only have to configure options for service-call attributes idField and labelField in system.xml.

1.  In system.xml:

<field id="default_group" translate="label" type="select"
sortOrder="20" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">
	<label>Default Group</label>
	<options service-call="customerGroup"
	idField="customer_group_id" labelField="customer_group_code"/>

Note: The service specified by the service-call attribute returns a list of objects, each containing data in key-value pairs. In the example above, the customerGroup service returns the following list of objects:

groups: {
	object0: {
		customer_group_id: 1
		customer_group_code: General
		tax_class_id: 3
	object1: {
		customer_group_id: 2
		customer_group_code: Wholesale
		tax_class_id: 3
	object2: {
		customer_group_id: 3
		customer_group_code: Retailer
		tax_class_id: 3

The idField identifies the option, in this case the customer_group_id, and the labelField identifies the value, in this case the customer_group_code. In the current example, rendering will result in the following html:

<option value="1">General</option>
<option value="2">Wholesale</option>
<option value="3">Retailer</option>